21st December 2024

Search Wingerworth Parish Council

Wingerworth Parish Council Serving the people of Wingerworth

About the Council's finance

Wingerworth Parish Council is responsible for its own finances.

The Clerk is the Council's Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) and oversees all aspects of the Parish Council's finances. This includes, monitoring the Council's budget, making payments and ensuring value for money.

The Council works within the Accounts and Audit Regulations legal framework and carries out its business in accordance with the Council's adopted Financial Regulations.

Financial Regulations

The Financial Regulations govern the way the Parish Council conducts financial matters and ensures it meets its legal requirements. The regulations are reviewed and readopted on an annual basis - usually at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Audit and accountability

At the end of each financial year, the Parish Council is subject to an internal and external audit of its accounts, financial arrangements and controls. The audit ensures that the Parish Council handles its finance in a proper and effective manner, as well as demonstrating good governance and accountability.

The Parish Council's Finance Committee meets every 1-2 months to monitor the Council's finances and scrutinise the work of the RFO.


The Parish Council is as transparent as possible with its financial affairs and business.

A list of transactions and accounting statements are published on this website and within the minutes of each monthly Parish Council meetings. Members of the public are also welcome to examine the Parish Council's finances at any time. Please contact the Clerk to make an appointment.

Budget and precept

Around September of each year, the Parish Council will begin to consider its budget for the next financial year. The Council's various committees are asked to put forward spending proposals to the Finance Committee for their particular areas of responsibility. The Finance Committee is then tasked with creating a draft budget for consideration by the Parish Council.

As a body, the Council can resolve to accept or refuse the draft budget. If refused, the Finance Committee will reconvene at a later date to amend the draft budget based on the recommendations of the Council. The draft budget will then be brought back to a future meetings of the Parish Council. This continues until members reach an agreement. This process must be concluded by January to meet the precept submission deadline.

The precept is a tax levied on households within Wingerworth and paid to the Parish Council. This money is then used to cover the Parish Council's spending plans and provide services to local people.

If you have any questions or comments about the Parish Council's finances or its procedures, please contact the Clerk.

Last updated: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 16:17